More About Our Flexible Metal Hoses

Believe it or not all metal hose fabricators are NOT the same. Our sister company Aero-Flex has developed their own proprietary method of fabricating and welding flex metal hoses that sets us apart from our competitors. Their high quality flexible metal hoses are typically used on aeroderivative power turbines, steam turbines, aircraft engines and even rocket engines and space vehicles. Aero-Flex flexible metal hoses are fabricated and inspected to the same specifications that our aerospace and power turbine customers require. So you can rest assure you are always getting the same high quality as their aerospace customers get.

The flexible metal hose you see below can be used in a variety of applications including:

-High temperature air or steam

-Cryogenic Applications



-Hydrogen peroxide

-Liquid propane

-Mineral oil

-Mineral Spirits


-Isopropyl Alcohol

And more...

Metal hoses can also withstand higher temperatures than PTFE or rubber. Typically metal hoses can handle temperatures from -325° to over 1000°F which makes metal hose assemblies a versatile component to very critical applications.

We can also provide custom hose sizes and lengths upon request. Please contact us  for a quote.

Have Questions? Call Us Today @ +1-561-406-6874.